1. Welcome;
2. Getting Started;
3. Product Overview;
4. Copy;
5. Paper and Other Media;
Loading Paper;
Media Specifications;
6. Fax (Xerox WorkCentre M15i Only);
Faxing Procedure;
Fax Features;
Advanced Fax Features;
Fax Job Management;
Dialing Methods;
Receiving a Fax;
Fax Reports;
7. Print;
Printing Procedure;
Printing Options;
8. Scan (Xerox WorkCentre M15i Only);
9. Machine Administration;
10. Maintenance;
11. Troubleshooting;
Fault Clearance;
Calling the Welcome Center;
LCD Error Messages;
Resetting the Xerox WorkCentre M15;
12. Specifications;
13. Index.
Download Xerox WorkCentre M15 / M15i. User Guide