HP 9200c Digital Sender. Service Manual
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HP 9200c Digital Sender. Service Manual

The device includes the following hardware features:
■ ADF-The device comes with a legal-size automatic document feeder (ADF) that accepts up to 50 pages.
■ Interactive touchscreen control panel-Intuitive onscreen menus and wizards help to complete digital-sending tasks.
■ Flatbed scanner-The letter/A4-size scanner can scan both black-and-white and color documents, with the ability to scan up to 1 mm (0.04 inch) from the paper edge.
■ Memory-The device comes standard with 128 megabytes (MB) of random access memory (RAM).
■ Hard disk-The device includes a 20-gigabyte (GB) internal hard drive for storing documents and settings.
■ Connectivity-The device provides a 10/100Base-T port and an enhanced input/output (EIO) port for connectivity.
■ HP Jetdirect Inside- An embedded network interface ensures reliable network connectivity.

Software features:
The HP DSS program supports the digital sender by providing the following features:
■ Send to e-mail-Scan a document and send it to one or more e-mail recipients in the form of a .PDF, .JPEG, .TIFF, or .MTIFF file.
■ Send to secondary (secure) e-mail-Send a document by using a secure third-party e-mail solution.
■ Send to fax-Scan a document and send it to a local area network (LAN) fax, Internet fax, or Windows® 2000 fax destination. (This device doesnot have analog fax capability.)
■ Send to workflow-Scan a document and save it to a network folder or file transfer protocol (FTP) site along with a file containing additional information about the document. A third-party software program can then retrieve and decipher the information, and perform the appropriate operation on the scanned image. A printer can also be set up as a workflow destination, so that scanned documents can be printed.
■ Send to network folder-Scan a document and send it to a folder on the network.


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